Sometimes, after user request, is necesary to keep run current script in background to process some events about updates. Specific events must update some keys on user session. My code:

ini_set('session.save_path',__DIR__ . '/../!PHPSESSID');

// ...... page content - db queries and other stuff. here can be generated some events

//close user connection and keep running script in background
//fastcgi_finish_request(); -- no need in my case
header('Connection: close');
header('Content-Length: '.ob_get_length());

//OK, user connection are closed. This script is running now in bacground
set_time_limit(120); // for me is more than enough - OR set 0

//... my database store all sids by each user id for each connections (e.g. same user, by id 123, have connections: 2 from pc(difrent browser), 1 from mobile .... ). I always know how ~ many connections user have and how to find him to send some events

    foreach($specificEvents as $item){
            continue; //skip

        session_id($item['sid']); // generate warning: headers already sent
        session_start(); // generate warning: headers already sent

        //check if session is what i am looking for like $_SESSION['id'] == $item['user_id'], if not - just skip this

        //place some updates (flag) in $_SESSION, but is always NULL.

        session_write_close(); // save changes



Of cource, i can do request using CURL to my domain - i think this is not a good ideea.

P.S: English is not my first language

  • Don't. This is a bad idea. The only thing that should ever touch session data is PHP, and anything outside of that is going to result in missing/corrupted session data. Whatever you're trying to update likely shouldn't live in the session data in the first place.
    – Sammitch
    Commented Dec 27, 2018 at 0:56
  • Thank you Sam, but i have no choise. As i know, only one connections can be handle same session - here can't be corrupded data. Thats why, i always call session_write_close as soon as possible when script may running longer (bkg part code).
    – Artur
    Commented Dec 27, 2018 at 1:13

1 Answer 1


Well, I waited for someone to answer my question, but I had to answer it myself. Maybe this will help someone. My solution: turn on output buffering. Just add ob_start(); on top the script.

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