I made a Dependency-Service for playing audio and background control in Xamarin.ios .

Audio was executed in background well. but, Lockscreen controller was not shown.

I don't know what is problem.

I registered "UIBackgroundMode" and "audio" in "info.plist" and set the AVAudioSession as playback.

I used play_pause(string url) function for playing audio and setting the MPNowPlayingInfo.

[assembly: Dependency(typeof(AudioService))]

namespace BibleHymn.iOS

 class AudioService : IAudio


   private bool isPlaying = false;

   private bool interrupted = false;

   int audioNum = 0;

    AVFoundation.AVPlayer player;

public AudioService()

     var avSession = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance();
            NSError activationError = null;
            avSession.SetActive(true, out activationError);


public bool Play_Pause(string url)

            if(player == null)

                this.player = new AVFoundation.AVPlayer();
                this.player = AVFoundation.AVPlayer.FromUrl(Foundation.NSUrl.FromString(url));

                 isPlaying !=isPlaying;
                 return isPlaying;


public void  UpdateNotification()
          var item = new MPNowPlayingInfo
                  Title = "My Title"
              MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.DefaultCenter.NowPlaying = item;

              Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {

I used play_pause from viewModel through button control's command.

init like ...

 public IAudio streamService = DependencyService.Get<IAudio>();

and in command ...


1 Answer 1


You need to register background support for Audio in the info.plist by following screenshot

enter image description here Also did you import Mediaplayer.framework

  • Yes ,I already done. It is equal to "UIBackgroundMode" key and string value as "audio" in xml source mode. also I already imported MediaPlayer in origin code.
    – jj cheo
    Dec 28, 2018 at 7:33

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