I want to have my script compatible with nsis-3.03 and nsis-3.04. I know this:

!if 0n1 > 0 ; >= 3.0b0 

But I don't understand why 0n1 > 0 means >= 3.0b0?

I want to do something like

!if ... ; version=[3.0-3.3]
    ; do stuff
!else if  .., ; version > 3.3
    ; do other stuff
     ; pass

I can`t use ${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION}, because it is wrong build at debain based systems.

  • Which new feature of 3.04 do you actually want to use?
    – Anders
    Jan 2, 2019 at 14:36
  • The IsNativeMachineArchitecture helper (see Changelog).
    – ikreb
    Jan 2, 2019 at 15:24

1 Answer 1


!if 0n1 > 0 ; >= 3.0b0 works because older versions do not understand 0n1 and treats it as 0 so it just becomes 0 > 0 in older versions.

NSIS v3.04 and later forces NSIS_PACKEDVERSION to be a somewhat usable value even if nobody specifies a version when compiling.

To detect a specific feature implemented in a .NSH you can just check if the define or macro exists, there is no need to do a version check:

!include x64.nsh
!ifdef IsNativeMachineArchitecture
  • Thank you. Could you maybe add this information to the documentation?
    – ikreb
    Jan 2, 2019 at 16:28
  • Sorry, forget it. I found it.
    – ikreb
    Jan 2, 2019 at 16:42
  • 0nXYZ is documented at the start of the pre-processor (Chapter 5)
    – Anders
    Jan 2, 2019 at 16:45

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