I am getting a bizarre exception in Seaborn.

For a reproducible example:


       X           Y    Label   Probability
0   0.127650    0.124108    17  1.0
1   0.024482    0.139424    3   1.0
2   0.126372    0.122501    17  1.0
3   0.024638    0.007708    0   1.0
4   0.110858    0.119837    14  1.0

sns.scatterplot(x = toy_data.X, y = toy_data.Y, hue = toy_data.Label.values, alpha = 0.5)

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'view'

Similar exception with this syntax:

sns.scatterplot(x = 'X', y = 'Y', data = toy_data, hue = 'Label', alpha = 0.5)

2 Answers 2


This is a peculiar issue with seaborn where the color palette needs to equal the number of labels

sns.scatterplot(x = toy_data.X, y = toy_data.Y, hue = toy_data.Label, alpha = 0.5,
                palette=sns.color_palette("Set1", toy_data.Label.nunique()) )

If not, seaborn will apply numerical functions to map the number of hue categories to the default palette of four colours. This is why you get an error when the values are a string

  • 2
    This should be the accepted answer IMHO, because it does not force the hue to be numeric (think truly categorical data such as zip codes). And just in case it's not clear enough: all we need to do is add the palette argument with custom number of colors. Commented Dec 29, 2020 at 14:08

As presented, your column Label is an object. It need to be a number (int or float).


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 20 entries, 0 to 9
Data columns (total 4 columns):
X              20 non-null float64
Y              20 non-null float64
Label          20 non-null object
Probability    20 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(3), object(1)
memory usage: 800.0+ bytes

Do this:

toy_data.loc[:,'Label'] = toy_data.Label.astype(np.float)

to change it to float.

Then your command:

sns.scatterplot(x = toy_data.X, y = toy_data.Y, hue = toy_data.label.values, alpha = 0.5)

should work.

enter image description here

I am using this command to generate the data frame

dict = {"X":{"0":0.12765045,"1":0.0244816152,"2":0.1263715245,"3":0.0246376768,"4":0.1108581319,"5":0.1406719382,"6":0.1358105564,"7":0.1245863432,"8":0.1175445352,"9":0.1188479018,"10":0.1113148159,"11":0.117455495,"12":0.110555662,"13":0.1328567106,"14":0.103064284,"15":0.1119474442,"16":0.119390455,"17":0.1246727756,"18":0.1117827155,"19":0.1169972547},"Y":{"0":0.1241083714,"1":0.1394242378,"2":0.1225010796,"3":0.0077080173,"4":0.1198371354,"5":0.0029026989,"6":0.1259473297,"7":0.0,"8":0.0,"9":0.1214620231,"10":0.1204110739,"11":0.0,"12":0.1194570059,"13":0.0014971676,"14":0.1184584731,"15":0.1212061305,"16":0.1221438778,"17":0.0,"18":0.1209991075,"19":0.0},"Label":{"0":"17","1":"3","2":"17","3":"0","4":"14","5":"21","6":"16","7":"23","8":"20","9":"15","10":"14","11":"20","12":"14","13":"22","14":"13","15":"14","16":"15","17":"23","18":"14","19":"20"},"Probability":{"0":1.0,"1":1.0,"2":1.0,"3":1.0,"4":1.0,"5":1.0,"6":1.0,"7":1.0,"8":1.0,"9":1.0,"10":1.0,"11":1.0,"12":1.0,"13":1.0,"14":1.0,"15":1.0,"16":1.0,"17":1.0,"18":0.9101796407,"19":1.0}}
toy_data = pd.DataFrame(dict)

You will need numpy import numpy as np to convert the values to float


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