I have written a JavaScript which I would like to inject in swagger with .Net Core 2.2. I would like to highlight that wwwroot folder wasn't created by default when I created web project (empty project option) with .Net Core 2.2. I then created wwwroot folder manually and added my JavaScript file inside that. When I am launching swagger, I am getting an error that file couldn't be loaded. I tried to create a folder "swagger" inside wwwroot and place a file there but that too didn't work. Here is my sample code:

SwaggerUIOptions uiConfig;

Also I would like to highlight what I am trying to achieve here. I got a drop-down in my header for a database provided i.e. Oracle/MSSQL etc. Now based on the selection, I want to change the value of another header i.e. connection string. I have written a JavaScript for this purpose but let me know if that can be achieved in some other and simplistic way as well with .Net Core along withSwashbuckle.

  • Can you access your "mycustomfile.js" from the browser? Jan 4, 2019 at 17:07

1 Answer 1


The issue got resolved after using app.UseStaticFiles(); in Configure() method.

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