I'am currently working on graphing program in Java/Swing. Currently I made JPanel with axes and markers on it.

My question is how can I merge loops for drawing negative with positive value markers?

Currently I made something like this:

 private void DrawAxisMarkers(Graphics g) {

    //X  MARKERS
    for (int xI = 0; xI <= this.getWidth(); xI += MatherProperties.SCALE) {
        g.drawLine(xI * MatherProperties.SCALE+ origin.x, markerSize + origin.y, xI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.x, -markerSize + origin.y);
    for (int xI = 0; xI <= this.getWidth(); xI += MatherProperties.SCALE) {
        g.drawLine(-xI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.x, markerSize + origin.y, -xI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.x, -markerSize + origin.y);

    for (int yI = 0; yI <= this.getHeight(); yI += MatherProperties.SCALE) {
        g.drawLine(markerSize + origin.x, yI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.y, -markerSize + origin.x, yI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.y);
    for (int yI = 0; yI <= this.getHeight(); yI += MatherProperties.SCALE) {
        g.drawLine(markerSize + origin.x, -yI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.y, -markerSize + origin.x, -yI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.y);

I don't have any ideas how to merge them :\ Also the origin of these axes is in the middle but user will be able to change origin.

The graph:

  • Move g.drawLine(-xI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.x, markerSize + origin.y, -xI * MatherProperties.SCALE + origin.x, -markerSize + origin.y); up so it is within the first loop. Similar for the y-axis.
    – Andrew S
    Jan 7, 2019 at 21:29
  • @AndrewS I'm such an idiot ;-; Jan 7, 2019 at 21:46
  • Nah - that's what reviews are for!
    – Andrew S
    Jan 7, 2019 at 21:48
  • Remove the second loop and make the first loop go from -this.getWidth() to this.getWidth() - or turn the g.drawLine call into a method that takes xI as an argument so that you can call it with both -xI and xI Jan 7, 2019 at 21:57
  • Anyway, Thanks for help! Jan 7, 2019 at 21:58


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