I know that I can test for a JavaScript variable and then define it if it is undefined, but is there not some way of saying

var setVariable = localStorage.getItem('value') || 0;

seems like a much clearer way, and I'm pretty sure I've seen this in other languages.

  • 33
    that is not a test for "undefined", it's a test for "falsey"
    – Alnitak
    Commented Mar 23, 2011 at 18:19
  • 5
    Note that localStorage.getItem() will throw an exception if the user has disabled cookies (at least in Chrome), so you may want to wrap it inside a try...catch clause
    – urish
    Commented May 10, 2014 at 8:10
  • 2
    Possible duplicate of What does the construct x = x || y mean? Commented Apr 9, 2016 at 23:15

13 Answers 13


Yes, it can do that, but strictly speaking that will assign the default value if the retrieved value is falsey, as opposed to truly undefined. It would therefore not only match undefined but also null, false, 0, NaN, "" (but not "0").

If you want to set to default only if the variable is strictly undefined then the safest way is to write:

var x = (typeof x === 'undefined') ? your_default_value : x;

On newer browsers it's actually safe to write:

var x = (x === undefined) ? your_default_value : x;

but be aware that it is possible to subvert this on older browsers where it was permitted to declare a variable named undefined that has a defined value, causing the test to fail.

  • 3
    I'm surprised this pattern isn't included in more JS libs.
    – joemaller
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 19:25
  • is there a downside to using var x = (x === undefined ? def_val : x); as the slightly longer var x = (typeof x === 'undefined') ? def_val : x;. Does the behavior differ?
    – user2210287
    Commented Feb 25, 2014 at 17:45
  • 4
    @marco in older browsers it was possible for undefined to be redefined, causing the equality test to fail.
    – Alnitak
    Commented Feb 26, 2014 at 9:23
  • @Alnitak what is the best approach to use a similar syntax to the one that OP is using and still check for undefined? Commented Dec 23, 2014 at 11:03
  • @IvoPereira You can't use the || approach in a strict test for undefined, you have to use an explicit test for undefined with a conditional.
    – Alnitak
    Commented Dec 23, 2014 at 11:05

Logical nullish assignment, ES2021+ solution

New operators are currently being added to the browsers, ??=, ||=, and &&=. This post will focus on ??=.

This checks if left side is undefined or null, short-circuiting if already defined. If not, the right-side is assigned to the left-side variable.

Comparing Methods

// Using ??=
name ??= "Dave"

// Previously, ES2020
name = name ?? "Dave"

// or
if (typeof name === "undefined" || name === null) {
    name = true

// Before that (not equivalent, but commonly used)
name = name || "Dave" // Now: name ||= "Dave"

Basic Examples

let a       // undefined
let b = null
let c = false

a ??= true  // true
b ??= true  // true
c ??= true  // false

Object/Array Examples

let x = ["foo"]
let y = { foo: "fizz" }

x[0] ??= "bar"  // "foo"
x[1] ??= "bar"  // "bar"

y.foo ??= "buzz"  // "fizz"
y.bar ??= "buzz"  // "buzz"

x  // Array [ "foo", "bar" ]
y  // Object { foo: "fizz", bar: "buzz" }

??= Browser Support Oct 2022 - 93%

??= Mozilla Documentation

||= Mozilla Documentation

&&= Mozilla Documentation

  • 4
    Is it really a good idea to copy this answer to two other questions (Replace a value if null or undefined in JavaScript and Is there a “null coalescing” operator in JavaScript?)? Woudln’t it be better to VTC as duplicate or link to related questions in the comments? Commented Jul 11, 2020 at 21:22
  • The questions are all slightly different; as such so are the answers. The examples are consistent to improve inline context at a glance. Probably could have linked for more detail, but would have required an extra hop that may cause people to skip the solution
    – Gibolt
    Commented Jul 11, 2020 at 21:39
  • 2
    Note that some IDEs (NetBeans) detect ??= as invalid syntax. Default auto source formatting will convert it to ?? = with a space in between, which is invalid JS. Now to figure out how to customize the auto-formatter...
    – OXiGEN
    Commented Sep 16, 2020 at 9:00
  • can't believe this isn't already supported, such a basic feature
    – ddruganov
    Commented Nov 13, 2020 at 11:56
  • Sadly this doesn't seem to be working with nested properties such as router["GET"]?.["/admin"] ??= {"/admin": handler};. Perhaps a deeper abstraction would be better.
    – Redu
    Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 17:21

The 2018 ES6 answer is:

return Object.is(x, undefined) ? y : x;

If variable x is undefined, return variable y... otherwise if variable x is defined, return variable x.

  • 4
    As far as I can tell, Object.is isn't any better than === in this case. "The === operator (and the == operator as well) treats the number values -0 and +0 as equal and treats Number.NaN as not equal to NaN." (developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…) Doesn't matter here. Commented Jul 13, 2018 at 12:33
  • 6
    I disagree. Know them both and use the appropriate one. In particular, use Object.is if both of the operands might be NaN. Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 6:53
  • 3
    If Object.is() works on 100% of the use cases, and === works on 98% of the use cases, why would you risk using === at all? For example: console.log(+0 === -0); // outputs true, while console.log(Object.is(+0, -0)); // outputs false -- which is better? Is negative 0 the same as positive 0? That's the question you have to ask yourself, but if you use Object.is(), you always know the answer. They are not the same, so an output of false is the correct and expected result. Commented Jul 18, 2018 at 15:07
  • 2
    The particular context here is always comparing to undefined. So === will work 100% of the time, not just 98%. The advantage of === being it is easier to read, especially at a glance, shorter and avoids an unnecessary method call. Personally I would only use Object.is() when the situation requires it and prefer === in all other cases. Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 2:36
  • 1
    Absolutely; if you're an experienced coder. Unless you accidentally forget an equal sign, in which case debugging why == isn't working somewhere is something I would never wish upon any developer. Better safe than sorry and always use Object.is(), The reason is was included in the spec was specifically to help developers write less buggy code. Commented Oct 29, 2019 at 14:27

ES2020 Answer

With the Nullish Coalescing Operator, you can set a default value if value is null or undefined.

const setVariable = localStorage.getItem('value') ?? 0;

However, you should be aware that the nullish coalescing operator does not return the default value for other types of falsy value such as 0 and ''.

However, do take note of the browser support. You may need to use a JavaScript compiler like Babel to convert it into something more backward compatible. If you are using Node.js, it has been supported since version 14.


I needed to "set a variable if undefined" in several places. I created a function using @Alnitak answer. Hopefully it helps someone.

function setDefaultVal(value, defaultValue){
   return (value === undefined) ? defaultValue : value;


hasPoints = setDefaultVal(this.hasPoints, true);

In our days you actually can do your approach with JS:

// Your variable is null
// or '', 0, false, undefined
let x = null;

// Set default value
x = x || 'default value';

console.log(x); // default value

So your example WILL work:

const setVariable = localStorage.getItem('value') || 0;
  • 1
    Watch out for booleans. It's easy to miss in a pinch but if option x is a boolean setting and the user sets it to false, it will move to the next operand because of the OR operator and always end up true. Commented May 26, 2022 at 16:53

It seems more logical to check typeof instead of undefined? I assume you expect a number as you set the var to 0 when undefined:

var getVariable = localStorage.getItem('value');
var setVariable = (typeof getVariable == 'number') ? getVariable : 0;

In this case if getVariable is not a number (string, object, whatever), setVariable is set to 0


You can use any of below ways.

let x;
let y = 4;
x || (x = y)

in ES12 or after

let x;
let y = 4;
x ||= y;

If you're a FP (functional programming) fan, Ramda has a neat helper function for this called defaultTo :


const result = defaultTo(30)(value)

It's more useful when dealing with undefined boolean values:

const result2 = defaultTo(false)(dashboard.someValue)

  • 1
    this is exactly const result = value || 30;, except is using an in-between function and +1000 bytes lib
    – Adelin
    Commented Dec 17, 2018 at 11:10
  • 1
    @Adelin not true, it also handles falsy for boolean types. If you're using this lib already (as I am) then it's pretty useful, and terse Commented Dec 17, 2018 at 11:24

var setVariable = (typeof localStorage.getItem('value') !== 'undefined' && localStorage.getItem('value')) || 0;

  • Will not also asign 0 if localStorage.getItem('value')) returns false
    – Karl Adler
    Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 14:32

Ran into this scenario today as well where I didn't want zero to be overwritten for several values. We have a file with some common utility methods for scenarios like this. Here's what I added to handle the scenario and be flexible.

function getIfNotSet(value, newValue, overwriteNull, overwriteZero) {
    if (typeof (value) === 'undefined') {
        return newValue;
    } else if (value === null && overwriteNull === true) {
        return newValue;
    } else if (value === 0 && overwriteZero === true) {
        return newValue;
    } else {
        return value;

It can then be called with the last two parameters being optional if I want to only set for undefined values or also overwrite null or 0 values. Here's an example of a call to it that will set the ID to -1 if the ID is undefined or null, but wont overwrite a 0 value.

data.ID = Util.getIfNotSet(data.ID, -1, true);

Works even if the default value is a boolean value:

var setVariable = ( (b = 0) => b )( localStorage.getItem('value') );

It seems to me, that for current javascript implementations,

var [result='default']=[possiblyUndefinedValue]

is a nice way to do this (using object deconstruction).

As noted on mdn, in this case the default value really is only used if the value is undefined, not if it is merely falsy or null.

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