I have collection of roles and hosts that these roles are run against. But I also have "custom" hosts that only need some of those roles, and it varies which roles which host needs. How could I create a playbook which would run against specific group of hosts and ask before every role whether the role should be run?

So far I created playbook custom.yml (which doesn't work...):

- name: Select roles
  hosts: custom
  become: yes
  - role: custom
  - { role: common, when: run_common == "Y" or run_common == "y" }
  - { role: system, when: run_system == "Y" or run_system == "y" }
  - { role: date, when: run_date == "Y" or run_date == "y" }
  - { role: swap, when: run_swap == "Y" or run_swap == "y" }
  - { role: users, when: run_users == "Y" or run_users == "y" }

I created a role to prompt whether to run a specific role or not - custom/tasks/main.yml:

- include_tasks: select_roles.yml
  - common
  - system
  - date
  - swap
  - users


- include_vars:
    - name: "run_{{ item }}"
      prompt: "Run {{ item }}?"
      default: "N"

    - set_fact:
        run_{{ item }}: "run_{{ item }}"
      when: "run_{{ item }}" == "Y"

At the moment I have it running all inside a single playbook but it's lot of copy-paste and editing, and looks ugly:

- name: Run select roles on all custom nodes
  hosts: custom
  become: yes
     - name: "run_common"
     prompt: "Run common?"
     default: "N"
     private: no
     - name: "run_system"
     prompt: "Run system?"
     default: "N"
     private: no
     - name: "run_date"
     prompt: "Run date?"
     default: "N"
     private: no
     - name: "run_swap"
     prompt: "Run swap?"
     default: "N"
     private: no
     - name: "run_users"
     prompt: "Run users?"
     default: "N"
     private: no
  - { role: common, when: run_common == "Y" or run_common == "y" }
  - { role: system, when: run_system == "Y" or run_system == "y" }
  - { role: date, when: run_date == "Y" or run_date == "y" }
  - { role: swap, when: run_swap == "Y" or run_swap == "y" }
  - { role: users, when: run_users == "Y" or run_users == "y" }
  • Possible duplicate of can var_prompt be included in a role? Jan 9, 2019 at 13:39
  • @imjoseangel Thanks for pointing to it. It's somewhat similar but not quite the same as I'm trying to use variables ("run_{{ item }}") and loops (with_items) to create dynamic vars_prompt.
    – goldie
    Jan 9, 2019 at 16:11
  • Another question. So every time you want to run a role against an inventory, you want to ask to the user if he/she wants to run a specific role, isn't it? Jan 9, 2019 at 16:43

1 Answer 1


Look this solution. I think you will like it. You can have your vars in another file and load them first.

- name: Run Specific Role
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

      - common
      - system
      - date
      - swap
      - users
      - "1"
      - "2"
      - "3"
      - "4"
      - "5"

    - name: runmenu
      prompt: "Run\n1 - {{ mymenu[0] }}\n2 - {{ mymenu[1] }}\n3 - {{ mymenu[2] }}\n4 - {{ mymenu[3] }}\n5 - {{ mymenu[4] }}\n[Enter Values with Comma as Separator]"
      private: false


    - name: Set Fact
        menu{{ item  }}: "menu{{ item  }}"
      with_items: "{{ runmenu.split(',') }}"
      when: item in allowed_items

  - role: common
    when: menu1 is defined
  • It works nicely, quite similar to my solution. Seems approx the same amount of copy-paste and editing as mine, so not that dynamic... I guess vars_prompt just can't be used within a role so it has to be done on the playbook level, and no loops and items to make it more elegant...
    – goldie
    Jan 10, 2019 at 16:10
  • Yep, it’s a pity it has not that flexibility. Jan 10, 2019 at 17:52
  • According to stackoverflow.com/questions/25466675/… what I requested can't be done, and is so by design. So I set this as an answer. Both this and my example work.
    – goldie
    Jan 15, 2019 at 10:15

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