I'm struggling to get the presence of the users of a shared roster group in a different virtual host. My current structure is this:

Virtual Host: users
   User: user1@users
   User: user2@users

   Shared Roster group: accessgroup
         Users in it:

Virtual Host: monitor
   User: admin@monitor

   Shared Roster group: watcher
       Users in it: 

       Displayed groups:

I want admin@monitor to get the presence of user1@users and user2@users, however, when i log into my client (pidgin) as admin@monitor they are not displayed as online.

What I'm missing here?


1 Answer 1


Well, I have found a solution that worked out for me. According to mfoss in this post at ejabberd forum, there is no way to create a "police office" effect, where one user can see presence of other one, but can't be seen.

To solve my problem, I had to add watcher@monitor in Displayed Groups: field of accessgroup, enabling admin@monitor get the presence of user1@users and user2@users.

Virtual Host: users
   User: user1@users
   User: user2@users

   Shared Roster group: accessgroup
         Users in it:

         Displayed groups: 
              watcher@monitor <---ADDED

Virtual Host: monitor
   User: admin@monitor

   Shared Roster group: watcher
       Users in it: 

       Displayed groups:

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