I have implemented the following decorators:

class alias(object):

    A decorator for implementing method aliases.

    def __init__(self, *aliases):

        self.aliases = set(aliases)

    def __call__(self, obj):

        if type(obj) == property:
            obj.fget._aliases = self.aliases
            obj._aliases = self.aliases

        return obj

def aliased(aliased_class):

    A decorator for enabling method aliases.

    aliased_class_dict = aliased_class.__dict__.copy()
    aliased_class_set = set(aliased_class_dict)

    for name, method in aliased_class_dict.items():

        aliases = None

        if (type(method) == property) and hasattr(method.fget, '_aliases'):
            aliases = method.fget._aliases
        elif hasattr(method, '_aliases'):
            aliases = method._aliases

        if aliases:

            for a in aliases - aliased_class_set:
                setattr(aliased_class, a, method)

    return aliased_class

Below, an example of how I'm using them in order to create callable aliases of properties and methods:

class MyClass(object):

    def alpha(self) -> float:

        Returns the value of alpha.

        return 2.5

    def alpha_greater_than(value) -> bool:

        Checks whether alpha is greater than the given value.

        return self.alpha > value

mc = MyClass()
result = mc.agt(3.0)
# ...

Now I'm packaging out my project and building the documentation. At present, aliased methods and properties "inherit" the same docstring of the original entity. I would like to know if it's possible to manipulate the docstrings of aliased entities, at decorator level, so that they look like:

This method/property is an alias of X.

1 Answer 1


You do can directly manipulate X.__doc__ such as:

if aliases:

    for a in aliases - aliased_class_set:
        method.__doc__ = "This function is an alias of %s." % a
        setattr(aliased_class, a, method)

But the problem is that the original reference X will also be influenced. So you should better use a wrapper:

def aliased(aliased_class):

    A decorator for enabling method aliases.
    def wrapper(func):
        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return inner

    aliased_class_dict = aliased_class.__dict__.copy()
    aliased_class_set = set(aliased_class_dict)

    for name, method in aliased_class_dict.items():

        aliases = None

        if (type(method) == property) and hasattr(method.fget, '_aliases'):
            aliases = method.fget._aliases
        elif hasattr(method, '_aliases'):
            aliases = method._aliases

        if aliases:

            for a in aliases - aliased_class_set:
                wrapped_method = wrapper(method)
                wrapped_method.__doc__ = "This function is an alias of %s." % a
                setattr(aliased_class, a, wrapped_method)

    return aliased_class

And test:



        Checks whether alpha is greater than the given value.

This function is an alias of agt.
  • This works like a charm except for the fact that aliased entities lose their signature ant type hints in the Sphinx documentation. "agt(value) -> bool", for example, becomes "agt(**kwargs)". Is there any way to preserve it? Jan 11, 2019 at 21:59
  • Well, I didn't test it but I believe there is. I will modify my answer to use functools.wraps
    – Sraw
    Jan 11, 2019 at 22:01
  • 1
    @TommasoBelluzzo I've checked that functools.wraps works perfectly :) See my update.
    – Sraw
    Jan 11, 2019 at 22:22

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