I can't figure this out, if you can point me to right direction. On my NavMenu.js I have LogIn (two inputs and a submit button, on which I call handleSubmit()

In handleSubmit() I am checking for user login credentials which works great, but after I confirm login, i procede with doing next fetch for checking user roles (and returning promise) and visibility in application


function getAllRoles(formName, sessionVarName) {

    var roleData = [];
    var roleId = sessionStorage.getItem('UserLoggedRoleId');

    fetch('api/User/GetUserRole/', {
    'method': 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            'roleId': roleId,
            'formName': formName
    }).then(roleResponse => roleResponse.json())
    .then(data => {
        sessionStorage.setItem(sessionVarName, JSON.stringify(data));
        roleData = data;

  var result = Promise.resolve(roleData)

  return result;

function checkRoleVisibility(userRoles, role) {} <-- return true or false

export {
  getAllRoles ,

In NavMenu.js

import { getAllRoles, checkRoleVisibility } from './common/Helper';

handleSubmit() {

 ....then(response => {
       if (response.ok) {
               this.setState(prevState => ({ userLogged: !prevState.userLogged }))

               response.json().then(value => {

               sessionStorage.setItem('UserLogged', true);
               sessionStorage.setItem('UserLabelSession', this.state.userLabel);
               sessionStorage.setItem('UserLoggedRoleId', value.userRole.roleID);

               getAllRoles('NavMenu', 'UserLoggedRoles')
                     .then(roleData => {
                                loggedUserRoles: roleData,
                                loading: false

               this.props.alert.success("Dobro dosli");

But here comes the problem, is that in render() itself, I have a control navBar which calls

checkRoleVisibility(this.state.loggedUserRoles, 'SeeTabRadniNalozi')

from helper, which send this.state.loggedUserRoles as parameter, which suppose to be filled in fetch from handleSubmit() but it's undefined, fetch finish, set loading on true, rendering completes and it doesn't show anything

I have this.state.loading and based on it I show control ...

    let navMenu = this.state.loading ? <div className="loaderPosition">
        <Loader type="Watch" color="#1082F3" height="200" width="200" />
    </div> : !this.state.userLogged ? logInControl : navBar;

If I put a breakpoint on controler I can see my method is being called by getAllRoles function, but also I can see that application keep rendering on going and doesn't wait for promise to return to fill state of loggedUserRoles.

So question is, why rendering doesn't wait for my role fetch nor doesn't wait for promise to resolve before setting loading on true?

I checked this answer Wait for react-promise to resolve before render and I put this.setState({ loading: false }); on componentDidMount() but then loading div is shown full time

1 Answer 1


From what I see and understand is, that you're calling

this.setState(prevState => ({ userLogged: !prevState.userLogged }))

if the response is okay. This will lead in an asynchronous call from React to set the new State whenever it has time for it.

But you need the resource from

  loggedUserRoles: roleData,
  loading: false

whenever you want to set userLogged to true, right?

So it might be that React calls render before you set the loggedUserRoles but after userLogged is set to true. That would result in an error if I understand you correctly.

You could simply set the userLogged state with the others together like this:

  userLogged: true,
  loggedUserRoles: roleData,
  loading: false


Moreover you want to change your Promise creation inside of getAllRoles. You're returning

var result = Promise.resolve(roleData)

return result;

This will directly lead to the empty array since this is the initial value of roleData. Therefore you're always returning an empty array from that method and don't bother about the fetched result.

You've multiple ways to solve this. I would prefer the clean and readable way of using async/await:

async getAllRoles(formName, sessionVarName){
  var roleId = sessionStorage.getItem('UserLoggedRoleId');

  const response = await fetch(...);
  const data = response.json();

  sessionStorage.setItem(sessionVarName, JSON.stringify(data));
  return data;

Or if you want to stay with Promise:

function getAllRoles(formName, sessionVarName){
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    var roleId = sessionStorage.getItem('UserLoggedRoleId');

    .then(roleResponse => roleResponse.json())
    .then(data => {
      sessionStorage.setItem(sessionVarName, JSON.stringify(data));
  • I just tried that, and added console.log(userRoles); in function checkRoleVisibility still getting empty array after login. But I am sure that my call returns data, because when I had all functions in NavMenu.js everything worked perfectly, I just moved this two functions in new .js because I have to call them on all pages
    – Veljko89
    Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 20:30
  • Which value does .then(roleData => get you? I think this will always be an empty array since it can directly be resolved from var result = Promise.resolve(roleData). Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 20:40
  • I figured it out ... key was to make function getAllRoles to be async then to let result = await Promise.resolve(roleData) ... so after user login, after 1-2 seconds tab shows up
    – Veljko89
    Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 20:55
  • Yes, I just added this to my answer as an EDIT Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 21:00
  • For the record, for someone reason Promise seems to be working faster than async calling ... just in case someone reads this answer
    – Veljko89
    Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 21:15

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