As I got back on working on a project that I had left for a few months, I got an error.

On this line of code:

#import <Parse/PFFile.h>

The compiler complains with this message:

'Parse/PFFile.h' file not found

I am now using Xcode Version 10.1, and this is an Objectiv C project.

I need to use the Parse pod. But after checking with the terminal, using the command:

find Pods -name PFFile.h

I could confirm that the file PFFile.h does not even exist there.

I am somewhat confused.

Anyone has had the same issue in the past?

  • Try to check their documentation, check the different released versions. Jan 17, 2019 at 8:28

1 Answer 1


Looks like PFFile renamed to PFFileObject. You can check it here.

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