I have a base class A:

template <typename Type>
class A {
    virtual const std::string& GetName() const = 0;
    virtual Type GetDefault() const = 0;

And a derived class B:

class B : public A<bool> {
  const std::string& GetName() const override {return "bla"; }
  bool GetDefault() const override {return false;}

I want to Mock class B and its methods:

class MockB: public B {
  MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetName, const string&());
  MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetDefault, bool());


MockB mock;
const std::string key = "something";
EXPECT_CALL(mock, GetName()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(key));
SomeClass.method(mock); // this calls A<T>.GetName() and raises an exception

But I keep getting an exception:

unknown file: error: C++ exception with description "Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.
Function call: GetName()
The mock function has no default action set, and its return type has no default value set." thrown in the test body.

It's used by the following method:

template<typename ValueType>
ValueType GetCustomSetting(const A<ValueType>& a) const

Which inside calls


I've tried using MOCK_CONST_METHOD0_T but it didn't work as well.

  • I cannot reproduce this with Google Mock 1.8. What is the signature of SomeClass.method()? Do you have non-const overloads of the mocked functions? Also, fully qualify string and ReturnRef to make sure you are using the right class/function.
    – rveerd
    Jan 22, 2019 at 9:49
  • I've updated the question to include the usage. I don't have non-const overloads. I've tried without ReturnRef and got a compilation error
    – SagiLow
    Jan 22, 2019 at 14:04
  • I can only reproduce the exception if I remove the EXPECT_CALL() line. Maybe you forgot to rebuild all files?
    – rveerd
    Jan 22, 2019 at 14:55
  • It's on the same file ... I've also tried using ON_CALL and the result was the same
    – SagiLow
    Jan 22, 2019 at 15:46
  • You must be missing some relevant information in your posted code. Try creating a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example and update your question.
    – rveerd
    Jan 23, 2019 at 9:47


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