I am trying to send id parameter from the dispatch to the effect, I can't find any example of this case in google.

Here's the code I already have:

The component:

 ngOnInit(): void {
   this.packageClass = `type-${this.package.packageType.toLowerCase()}`;
   // I set the payload to the action
   this.store.dispatch(new LoadClusterInfo({id: this.package.id}));

The effect (where I need to access the value)

getClusterInfo = 
      switchMap(() => {
        let id = 'HARDCODED_ID';
        return this.service.getPackageCluster(id); // Here is where i need the value
      map((packageCluster: PackageCluster) => new LoadClusterInfoSuccess(packageCluster)),
      catchError((err: Error) => of(new LoadClusterInfoError(err))),

And last the action:

  export class LoadClusterInfo implements Action {
    readonly type = Type.LOAD_CLUSTER_INFO;
    constructor(readonly payload: any) {}

How can I access the id sent by the component (this.package.id) in the effect?

  • 4
    via switchMap() So: switchMap(payload => { .... })
    – penleychan
    Jan 21, 2019 at 20:28
  • thanks dude! You save my day.
    – nperez9
    Jan 21, 2019 at 20:51

2 Answers 2


You can access the action's payload property in the switchMap operator. A couple of extra things:

  • Use the pipeable ofType operator because the ofType function is removed in NgRx 7
  • Type the ofType operator to have a typed action
  • use map and catchError on the service stream, otherwise when an error occurs the effect stream will get destroyed. See the NgRx docs for more info.
  getClusterInfo = this.actions
    switchMap((action) => {
      return this.service.getPackageCluster(action.id).pipe(
        map((packageCluster: PackageCluster) => new LoadClusterInfoSuccess(packageCluster)),
        catchError((err: Error) => of(new LoadClusterInfoError(err))),

Update NgRx v8 +

With createAction and createEffect, the action is automatically inferred so you can do this and benefit from the types:

getClusterInfo = createEffect(() => {
  return this.actions.pipe(
    switchMap((action: any) => {
      return this.service.getPackageCluster(action.id).pipe(
        map((packageCluster: PackageCluster) => new LoadClusterInfoSuccess(packageCluster)),
        catchError((err: Error) => of(new LoadClusterInfoError(err))),
  • 4
    In this code action.id gives the typescript error, Property 'id' does not exist on type 'never'.
    – Jim
    Jun 5, 2021 at 2:16

For those trying to get params with mergeMap you can do it like these:

 loadItems$ = createEffect(() =>
          mergeMap((action) =>
              map((items) => ({
                type: ITEMS_LOADED_SUCESSFULLY,
                items: itemsList,
              catchError(() => EMPTY)

To dispatch the action:

this.store.dispatch(loadItems({ parameters: parameter }))

And in your .actions.ts:

export const loadItems = createAction(
YOUR_ACTION_NAME, props<{ parameters: string }>());

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