I have used create_function() in my application below.

$callbacks[$delimiter] = create_function(
   "return '$delimiter' . strtolower(\$matches[1]);"

But for PHP 7.2.0, create_function() is deprecated.

How do I rewrite my code above for PHP 7.2.0?

  • 6
    you may create an anonymous function if that solves the issue Jan 9, 2018 at 4:42
  • Can we see your larger preg_ code block? Jan 9, 2018 at 4:52

6 Answers 6


You should be able to use an Anonymous Function (aka Closure) with a call to the parent scoped $delimiter variable, like so:

$callbacks[$delimiter] = function($matches) use ($delimiter) {
    return $delimiter . strtolower($matches[1]);

I would like to contribute with a very simple case I found in a Wordpress Theme and seems to work properly:

Having the following add_filter statement:

  'option_page_capability_' . ot_options_id(),
  create_function( '$caps', "return '$caps';" ),

Replace it for:

  'option_page_capability_' . ot_options_id(),
  function($caps) {return $caps;},

We can see the usage of function(), very typical function creation instead of a deprecated create_function() to create functions.

  • 1
    what actually is a anonymos function (closure) and was already posted by @e_i_pi :)
    – Dwza
    Aug 26, 2019 at 13:39
  • 6
    @Dwza Yep, only I was to extend a bit more this topic. Nothing more.
    – Joanmacat
    Dec 19, 2019 at 16:08
  • 4
    I was very helpful to see an example. Thanks @Joanmacat! Sep 29, 2020 at 6:00
  • 5
    Because I was looking for a WordPress-specific fix, I liked your example. It's always good to have additional use-cases, even if there already was an approved answer... Jan 1, 2021 at 20:01

Automated Upgrade

If anyone needs to upgrade dozens of create_function() cases in their code to anonymous functions, I work on a tool called Rector.

It goes through the code and replaces the create_function with anonymous functions 1:1. It's tested on 30 various cases.


composer require rector/rector --dev


Let's say you want to upgrade code in the /src directory.

# rector.php

use Rector\Core\Configuration\Option;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;
use Rector\Php72\Rector\FuncCall\CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator) {
    $parameters = $containerConfigurator->parameters();
    $parameters->set(Option::PATHS, [
        __DIR__ . '/src',

    $services = $containerConfigurator->services();

Run on your code

# this is set run, it only report what it would change
vendor/bin/rector process --config rector.php --dry-run

# this actually changes the code
vendor/bin/rector process --config rector.php

# the "rector.php" config is loaded by default, so we can drop it
vendor/bin/rector process

EDIT: Updated 2020-10-31 with PHP Rector 0.8.x syntax

  • 1
    Not sure why this isn't working. It may need more information, or there has been a change. I created the yml file, but it always says cannot load resource. When I use the php file, things work fine though.
    – PoDuck
    Oct 31, 2020 at 22:36
  • 3
    Oh, the yml file is deprecated for coupled of months. I'll update this post, thanks for letting me know! Oct 31, 2020 at 22:50
  • 1
    It may be good to clarify that "src" on the command line, and '/src' in the file need to be changed to match the user's path. That is something lacking in the documentation too. It just assumes that people know what to do with it, or that it's there to be changed in the first place.
    – PoDuck
    Nov 1, 2020 at 0:45
  • Good point. I'll update the answer here. Could you help me and send send PR to documentation README on GitHub? Nov 1, 2020 at 9:02
  • 1
    I tested this out on a some old WordPress plugins that are going to die when PHP is upgraded to 8.x. It totally worked! Here's a link to the repo with the latest code: github.com/rectorphp/rector
    – mpemburn
    Dec 14, 2022 at 20:40

Since PHP 7.4 you can use an Arrow function:

$callbacks[$delimiter] = fn($matches) => $delimiter . strtolower($matches[1]);

Arrow functions are shorter than anonymous functions, and use the parent scope - so you can refer to $delimiter without passing it in.

  • As an aside, I see this exact line of code in the Braintree lib used by MachForm, in a snippet that IMO should not be using create_function anyways (for garbage-collection reasons). Coincidence?
    – SamGoody
    Apr 12, 2021 at 10:14

This Array of Anonymous functions worked for me, see code below:

// This will be a dynamic name that could 
// be used as a function like "namespace".
$dynamic_name = 'my_dynamic_name';

// Here's some variables that you could use in the scope of
// your dynamic anonymous functions. 
$outerVariable = 'If I need this varible, I can use it';
$outerVariableTwo = 'If I need this varible, I can use it too!';

// Create an array that we can later use and turn into 
// and associative array with our new dynamic anonymous functions.
$dynamicAnonFunctions = [];

// Create the first dynamic function.
$dynamicAnonFunctions[($dynamic_name."_func_one")] = function () use ($outerVariable, $dynamic_name) { 
    echo 'Running: function <b>'.$dynamic_name .'_func_one()</b>';
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo $outerVariable;
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo 'This works :)'; 
    echo '<br><br>';

// Create the second dynamic function 
$dynamicAnonFunctions[($dynamic_name."_func_two")] = function () use ($outerVariableTwo, $dynamic_name) { 
    echo '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ';
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo 'Running: function <b>'.$dynamic_name .'_func_two()</b>';
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo $outerVariableTwo;
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo 'This also works :)!'; 
    echo '<br><br>';

// Call the functions.

// Halt execution.

Just copy this into your script file and you will see the output from the echo statements, then simply remap the function to your own will!

Happy coding =)


The anonymous function solution works, but if the expression to be returned is in a string I think eval should be used.

$callbacks[$delimiter] = eval('return function($matches){return '.$delimiter.' . strtolower($matches[1]);};');

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