I am using Fastlane to auto deploy my apk to hockeyApp. I am trying to upload the release notes with it, but I cant seem to read the file that is in the repo but fastlane cannot seem to find it. This is the crash report from the CI server. Thanks in advance.
Error in your Fastfile at line 86
[09:34:20]: 84: hockey(api_token: release_token,
[09:34:20]: 85: apk: apk_path,
[09:34:20]: => 86: notes: File.read(“./auto_deployment/release_notes.txt”))
[09:34:20]: 87: end
[09:34:20]: 88:
[09:34:20]: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - ./auto_deployment/release_notes.txt
. In a terminal thats how i used to access it./auto_deployment/release_notes.txt