I am very new at open refine and I am seeking to combine rows and columns in a spreadsheet with many duplicate values. Please find the example I am looking for below. I think it has to do with the "fill down" command, but I am not sure. Thank you very much!

    Original Table      New Table

    Name | Totals       Name|Totals
    -----|-------       ----|------
    A        5            A    15
    A        10           B    104
    B        1            C    219
    B        3
    B        100
    C        4
    C        150
    C        65
    C        0

1 Answer 1


What you want to do is basically a pivot table. It's way much simpler to do in a spreadsheet software (like Excel). But it's still feasible in OpenRefine.

  • make sure that the column "Name" is in the first position and that its values are sorted.

  • Use blank down in this column.

  • Create a new column from "Totals" and use this formula:


  • Using a filter by blank, keep only the "Names" rows that contain a value.

  • Export the filtered rows in .csv or .xlsx.

This screencast will make things clearer.

enter image description here


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