I have two table That i want to combine to generate a report

User List


I use this code to join the table

                 a => a.UserID,
                 b => b.UserID,
                 (x, y) => new
                     Processor = x,
                     Data = y.ToList()
         .Select(a => new Report
             Processor = a.Processor,
             TotalTrans = a.Data

and this the output

enter image description here

I want to insert the data in my report class.

enter image description here

is this possible and how?

EDIT I already tried this but its not working

                 a => a.UserID,
                 b => b.UserID,
                 (x, y) => new
                     Processor = x,
                     Data = y.ToList()
         .Select(a => new Report
             Processor = a.Processor,
             SummaryTransaction = a.Data.Select(x=>new Summaryreport{ month=x.month, year=x.year, total=x.totaltransaction})
  • @TDK I already add what i try
    – Vic
    Feb 11, 2019 at 10:04
  • You may get more answers tagging your question with C# and LINQ rather than WPF (I don't see any WPF in your question).
    – redcurry
    Feb 11, 2019 at 15:41

1 Answer 1


Although you didn't specify, I think what you want is to sum all Data of one month. So instead of:

Processor Month   Value
    1    2018-1     2
    1    2018-1     3  => sum all 2018-1 values of processor 1: 2+3=5
    1    2018-2     4
    1    2018-2     5  => sum all 2018-2 values of processor 1: 4+5=9
    2    2018-1     1
    2    2018-1     2  => sum all 2018-1 values of processor 2: 1+2=3

All you have to do is change the ResultSelector in your GroupJoin, such that it groups all data into groups with same [year, month]. The result is [year, month, sum] of all values with this year and month]

See one of the overloads of Enumerable.GroupBy

var result = db.tblProcessorLists.GroupJoin(  // GroupJoin processors and transactions
    processor => processor.UserID,       // from every processor take the UserId
    transaction => transaction.UserID,   // from every transaction take the UserId

    // ResultSelector: use eacht processor with its zero or more matching transactions
    // to make one new object
    (processor, transactionsOfThisProcessor) => new
        Processor = processor,

        // group all transactionsOfThisProcessor into groups with same [year, month]
        // and sum the values of all transactions in each group
        TransactionTotals = transactionsOfThisProcessor
            .GroupBy(transaction => new 
                Year = transaction.Year,       // KeySelector: make groups with 
                Month = transaction.Month      // same [year, month]

            // element selector: Transaction.Value
            transaction => transaction.Value,

            // ResultSelector: key = [year, month],
            // elements are all values of this [year, month] group
            // sum all values
            (key, valuesWithThisYearMonth) => new
                Year = key.Year,
                Month = key.Month,
                Total = valuesWithThisYearMonth.Sum(),

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