I generated code for loading a mat file as follows


Because one of the variables, for example "a", is very big, it is defined as a big static const array in the main function with all values initialized there.

Is there any way I can make MATLAB Coder load data from a file in C Code instead of defining it as a variable in main function?

2 Answers 2


The MATLAB fread function is supported for code generation. So you can fwrite the data to a file in MATLAB and then fread it in the generated code. This will do a runtime read and avoid the giant constant in the generated code.

  • Try to specify the precision argument to fread and fwrite. Say you have int32 values, then use 'int32' to write and '*int32' to read them as 32-bit integers. Just change the type name for your example. Mar 5, 2019 at 0:02

This is the exact code that we should use based on Ryan's answer:

fileID = fopen('Data.bin', 'w');
fwrite(fileID, Matrix1,'uint64');


Matrix 2 is now the same as Matrix 1. The trick for writing and reading is to use the same precision based on the data type.

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