I'm setting a backup/ sync within an Ubuntu network using rsync.

Assume that a Desktop (Ubuntu 18.04)-ip:
Running a docker with two Containers :

 Client_A: 2001 -> 22/tcp , 8001 -> 80/tcp  
 Client_B: 2002 -> 22/tcp , 8002 -> 80/tcp

All 3 images are ubuntu, apache2 installed and running


DesktopOS        Container1         Container2  
⊢var             ⊢var               ⊢var             
  ⊢www             ⊢www               ⊢www           
    ⊢html            ⊢html              ⊢html          
      ⊢1.txt           ⊢2.txt             ⊢3.txt   

all three txt can be accessed in browser

When i try to pull 3.txt to Container1:

rsync -av -e 'ssh -p 2002' --rsh=ssh [email protected]/var/www/html/ ~/BACKUP/

1.txt has received.

How to access the 3.txt in Container1?

Please use the IP Address since I am simulating a real network, maybe 1 docker on 1 device in the real world.

  • This doesn't sound like a typical Docker setup. Normally a Docker container would only run, say, Apache (and not sshd), and if you needed to share files between the host and a container, you'd use the docker run -v option for it. A container's local filesystem shouldn't have anything that needs to be backed up and that you wouldn't mind losing when you need to docker rm it.
    – David Maze
    Feb 14, 2019 at 11:36

1 Answer 1


Finally I found I installed ssh only, doesn't install the ssh-server. Otherwise, the firewall blocks the access.

#find out port 22, 2002, 2001 etc. 
#from netstat result, is it listening?
netstat | grep 2002

Install ssh server

sudo apt install tasksel
sudo tasksel install openssh-server

for Firewall:

sudo ufw allow 2001,2002

and it solved, thanks for your patients who try to answer me.

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