I need to check if an object is not of a certain type. I know in Kotlin it's possible to check if a type is not by using !is. I was wondering if there was an equivalent in Swift, or a workaround I could use if it's not possible?

Example in Kotlin:

Assume animals is an interface of different animals and there are classes that implement it such as Cat, Dog, Horse, Spider, etc:

var animals = listOf<Animals>(Horse(), Cat(), Dog(), Spider())
var chosenAnimals = animals.filter { it !is Spider }
  • What is the usecase of this?
    – J. Doe
    Feb 16, 2019 at 21:16
  • When opening a ViewController from a notification, I only need it to do a certain function if the visibleViewController it's not of type MessageViewController, potentially: if (navigationController?.visibleViewController !is MessageViewController) { navigationController?.pushViewController(userProfileVC, animated: false) navigationController?.pushViewController(messageVC, animated: false) } Feb 17, 2019 at 0:11

5 Answers 5


Using swift syntax this is one way to do this

let animals: [Animals] = [Horse(), Cat(), Dog(), Spider()]
var chosenAnimals = animals.filter { type(of: $0) != Spider.self }


var chosenAnimals = animals.filter { !($0 is Spider) }
  • 1
    @nielsbot, yes but with the negation. Thanks Feb 16, 2019 at 21:53
  • Right. See my answer :)
    – nielsbot
    Feb 16, 2019 at 21:53
  • So basically wrapping the check with a negation. Okay, easy enough. Thanks! Feb 17, 2019 at 0:15
  • 1
    or use mutating method removeAll { $0 is Spider }
    – Leo Dabus
    Feb 17, 2019 at 5:21
  • For me, only the alternative worked. Perhaps because of type casting.
    – PhoenixB
    Aug 25, 2020 at 22:41

Or, you can create your own isNot function, like this:

extension Animal {
    func isNot<T: Animal>(_ type: T.Type) -> Bool {
        return !(self is T)

print(Horse().isNot(Fish.self)) // prints true
print(Horse().isNot(Horse.self)) // prints false

There is no equivalent in Swift, but its counterpart is the is operator. You only need to negate the operator result.

var animals = listOf<Animals>(Horse(), Cat(), Dog(), Spider())
var chosenAnimals = animals.filter { !($0 is Spider) }

Or, as you're using a mutating collection (var), you could use removeAll(where:) to remove all Spider instances to solve your problem.

var animals = listOf<Animals>(Horse(), Cat(), Dog(), Spider())
animals.removeAll { $0 is Spider } // animals.removeAll(where: { $0 is Spider })
print("Animals: \(animals)") // should not contain Spider instances
  • you can always use Swift trailing closure syntax as well animals.removeAll { $0 is Spider }
    – Leo Dabus
    Feb 17, 2019 at 5:23

you can use this:

var chosenAnimals = animals.filter({!($0 is Spider)})
  • @JoakimDanielson sorry, I copied @user2759839's question above and almost didn't notice use of val instead of var. thanks for spotting! Feb 16, 2019 at 21:28

Here's a working sample in Swift:

protocol Animal { }

class Horse : Animal { }
class Cat : Animal { }
class Dog : Animal { }
class Spider : Animal { }

let animals:[Animal] = [Horse(), Cat(), Dog(), Spider()]
let chosen = animals.filter { !($0 is Spider) }

Fill in your protocols/classes however you like :)

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