I'm working on a project where I need to use a joystick (DirectInput) to control the mouse pointer inside a wpf application. I need to be able to press/release a mouse button as well as possibly drag across the screen. Preferably this should actually control the mouse, allowing the joystick to be used to control other applications as well. I've got everything figured out on the DirectInput side, but I'm having trouble with the mouse-drag interaction.
This is how I'm doing left-button down:
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern uint SendInput(uint nInputs, ref Input pInputs, int cbSize);
var aInput = new Input {
type = 0x0,
mouse = new MouseInput {
dwFlags = 0x6,
dwExtraInfo = 0,
mouseData = 0,
time = 0
SendInput(1, ref aInput, 28);
where Input and MouseInput are as follows:
public struct Input {
public int type; // 4
public MouseInput mouse; // 24
public struct MouseInput {
public int dx; // 4
public int dy; // 4
public int mouseData; // 4
public int dwFlags; // 4
public int time; // 4
public int dwExtraInfo; // 4
This method works for left/right mouse button down, and System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position works well for mouse movement, but I'm not sure how to get a mouse drag rigged up. Any pointers?