In Xcode, when using auto layout, I wanted to position a button so that if this button doesn't have sibling button then it should align X center, otherwise both can sit side by side.

I have tried with yellow.leadingSpace to superview >= 20, yellow.alignX to superview, but it is not working, yellow button always stays on the left.

enter image description here

  • You can add this in stack view Commented Feb 26, 2019 at 8:15

1 Answer 1


as Uma already suggested you can use a UIStackView for this. Simply add both buttons to the UIStackView and set the spacing. You also could do it without a UIStackView with a combination of constraints:

  1. Add a horizontal center constraint to the first button.
  2. Change the priority of this constraint to 750.
  3. Add a spacing constraint between the buttons.
  4. When second button gets hidden you need to disable the spacing constraint by buttonPaddingConstraint.isActive = false.
  5. If you show the second button again you need to re-add the spacing constraint by: leftButton.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: rightButton.trailingAnchor, constant: 20).isActive = true

If you want to animate hiding one of the buttons the outcome depends method to use. If you are going to use a UIStackView have a look at "First Button" and "Second Button" in the following image. If you are going without a UIStackView have a look at "Third Button" and "Fourth Button". autolayout

I uploaded the xcode project containing both options here.

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