Inside btnsnoop_hci.log file I am little confused about a host, controller, remote() and LocalHost(). I was digging on google to understand but unable to found the proper documentation which explains it. If you have any idea about btnsnoop_hei.log do share.
2 Answers
The host is the main cpu that runs a Bluetooth stack.
The controller is a separate chip that controls the low level Bluetooth radio.
These two devices (inside the phone) talk with each other usually over UART using the HCI protocol.
A remote controller is the Bluetooth chip in another device that communicates with the local controller over Bluetooth.
In HCI Host and Controller both are logical entities and related to layers of Bluetooth protocols executed on the same device. Generally Host layers are executed on application processor or microcontroller and Controller layers are executed on Bluetooth chip attached to it.
Words remote and localhost are about different devices. Possibly they are Wireshark specific (and connected to BT MAC addresses). I do not remember them in Frontline Sodera software.