In my Spring Boot configuration file, can I specify a logging file location relative to the Spring Boot jar instead of relative to the directory the jar is started from?


  file: ./logs/app.log


  • /app/dir/app.jar
  • /random/dir


cd /random/dir
java -jar /app/dir/app.jar


  • /random/dir/logs/app.log


  • /app/dir/logs/app.log

Additional Info: The jar will be running on different operating systems. So the jar path could be similar to:

  • /app/dir/app.jar
  • C:\app\dir\app.jar

At run time, I can calculate what the jar/install directory is. Is there a Java solution that would allow me to set the logging.file location after startup? Or is the logger already initialized at that point?

Complete Solution: based on @satyesht


    #Set a default directory in case a user "double clicks" the jar to launch it.
    dir: ./logs
    file: app.log

  file: ${app.log.dir}/${app.log.file}


cd /random/dir
java -Dapp.log.dir=/app/dir/logs -jar /app/dir/app.jar

2 Answers 2


One simple way would be to pass the log directory as a system property as below .

  file: ${LOGDIR}/logs/app.log

and while running your application you can specify the LOGDIR system property as a VM argument

cd /random/dir
java -jar /app/dir/app.jar -DLOGDIR=/app/dir/
  • java -DLOGDIR=/app/dir -jar /app/dir/app.jar Commented Feb 27, 2019 at 18:51

You would have to know the location of the jarfile ahead of time. But yes, the difference is between absolute, and relative paths.

Using . indicates that you want to start from the location where our console window is open. This is a path that is relative to the location you are in the terminal.

Using / indicates that you want to start at the root of the drive. Now, obviousally you don't want to store the file in the root of the drive. But let's say i Had my jar in the folder: /app/dir/app.jar Then configuration is as simple as saying:

  file: /app/dir/logs/app.log
  • Thanks, I added "Addition Info" to my original post to clarify that the jar will be running on different OS's at different paths. So an absolute path isn't an option. Unless I can do an OS conditional variable in the yaml/properties file. Commented Feb 27, 2019 at 17:48

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