I am using Froala Editor in my component. The editor is working fine when I run the website. But, the spec.ts file is generating this error.

TypeError: this.$element.froalaEditor is not a function

Any solution?

The onAddPost function is getting covered, no problems with that. But, the test case is failing because of the error regarding Froala editor itself.

  • could you add your spec.ts file content?
    – Arikael
    Mar 8, 2019 at 21:20
  • Are you using angular-froala-wysiwyg? Mar 8, 2019 at 21:51

1 Answer 1


So, as i see you do not use template of component in your test, so you can just remove FroalaEditorModule, FroalaViewModule from imports, and add template override for your component, like:

.overrideComponent(PostsAddComponent, {
    set: {
        template: ""

Since your component won't have template, you won't use froala components & directives, and it won't access this global script and error should disappear. Hope that helps.

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