I am working on a project and implementing stripe. I've got most of it working without any issues but I'm following what the documentation says (or at least I believe I am) but I keep getting an error back from stripe when I attempt to delete a saved card from a customer.

I am using the following code:

$customer = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($stripeCustomerId);

I got this code from the API documentation at https://stripe.com/docs/api/cards/delete.

The error I am getting back is:

Invalid Stripe request received. Cards cannot be accessed without a customer ID, account ID or recipient ID.


Below is a snippet of the customer response object showing the card id

10/03/2019 20:35:43 -29178-:INFO: D:\wamp64\www\API\classes\AccountManagement.php:1718: Stripe\Customer Object
    [id] => cus_EftaJCbcAIUaZW
    [object] => customer
    [account_balance] => 0
    [created] => 1552247956
    [currency] => gbp
    [default_source] => card_1ECYFHHvLpy648dRWUxb184n

And below is the CardId that I am using from the customer object to call customer->sources->retrive(cardId)->delete();

10/03/2019 20:35:43 -29178-:INFO: D:\wamp64\www\API\classes\AccountManagement.php:1719: Got Card ID of 'card_1ECYFHHvLpy648dRWUxb184n'

10/03/2019 20:35:43 -29178-:INFO: D:\wamp64\www\API\classes\AccountManagement.php:1763: Invalid Stripe request received. Cards cannot be accessed without a customer ID, account ID or recipient ID.

  • is $stripeCustomerId a valid customer id? and $cardId a valid card? also, what version of stripe's php SDK are you using?
    – duck
    Mar 10, 2019 at 20:16
  • @duck I've updated my question with the snippet of the customer object and the card ID I am using to delete the card. The Card ID from default_source is what I am using which match and it also matches what I see in the stripe dashboard. I'm using 6.30.2 for the PHP Stripe version
    – Boardy
    Mar 10, 2019 at 20:40
  • That's odd, I'm slightly stumped on this, just tried with same PHP SDK version and works about how you expect. $customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(["source"=>"tok_visa"]); echo $customer; $card = $customer->sources->retrieve($customer->default_source); echo $card; echo $card->delete();
    – duck
    Mar 10, 2019 at 21:07
  • Weird, I notice you fetched the card and then did a delete so I thought maybe that's the problem, but no, when I fetch the card, I can print the card object fine but then as soon as I call delete on it I get the error.
    – Boardy
    Mar 10, 2019 at 21:16
  • Weird for sure. It should work either way. Anything unusual in your Stripe error logs? dashboard.stripe.com/test/logs?success=false
    – duck
    Mar 10, 2019 at 21:33


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