
I have a class ("controller" for example) and in this class, I have created many objects of different other classes with different parents.

How to send signal between that classes and "controller" to call a function in "controller" class?

    #include "controller.h"

    Controller::Controller(QObject *parent) : QObject (parent){
        connect(sender(), SIGNAL(recivedCall(QString)), this, SLOT(alert(QString)));

    void Controller::onCall(QJsonObject callinfo){
         nodes[callinfo["username"].toString()]= new PanelManager();

    void Controller::alert(QString callinfo){

For example, how to send signal from "recivedCall" in each "PanelManager" object to call "alert" function in "controller" class ?

1 Answer 1


The object which creates your two components has to set the connections between your signal and your slot. But, you shouldn't expose inner components (i.e. create getter to return a pointer on a attribute).

A way to tackle the last problem with Qt is to create a signal in your parent and let it broadcast the calls. For example, if I need to connect a QCheckBox to a QLineEdit in two different widgets:

class Parent1: public QWidget
    Parent1(): QWidget(), myCheckBox(new QCheckBox("Edit", this))
        connect(myCheckBox, &QCheckBox::clicked, this, &Parent1::editForbidden);
    QCheckBox* myCheckBox;
    void editForbidden(bool);

class Parent2: public QWidget
    Parent2(): QWidget(), myLineEdit(new QLineEdit("Edit", this))
        connect(this, &Parent2::forbidEdit, myLineEdit, &QLineEdit::setReadOnly);
    QLineEdit* myLineEdit;
    void forbidEdit(bool);

// In the parent of Parent1 and Parent2 (or in the main if there is no parent)
QObject::connect(p1, &Parent1::editForbidden, p2, &Parent2::forbidEdit);

In this example, when I click on the checkbox in parent1, the lineEdit in parent2 is disabled. But, Parent1 doesn't know anything about Parent2.

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