I was wondering if anybody could shed any light on this problem.. PHP 5.3.0 :)
I have a loop, which is grabbing the contents of a CSV file (large, 200mb), handling the data, building a stack of variables for mysql inserts and once the loop is complete and the variables created, I'm inserting the information.
Now firstly, the mysql insert is performing perfectly, no delays and all is fine, however it's the LOOP itself that has the delay, I was originally using fgetcsv() to read the CSV file but compared to file_get_contents() this had a seriously delay - so I switched to file_get_contents(). The loop will perform in a matter of seconds, until I attempt to add a function (I've also added the expression inside the loop without the function to see if it helps) to create an array with the CSV data from each line, this is what is causing serious delays on the parsing time! (the difference is about 30 seconds based on this 200mb file but depending of filesize of csv file I guess)
Here's some code so you can see what I'm doing:
$filename = "file.csv";
$content = file_get_contents($filename);
$rows = explode("\n", $content);
foreach ($rows as $data) {
$data = preg_replace("/^\"(.*)\"$/","$1",preg_split("/,(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))/", trim($data))); //THIS IS THE CULPRIT CAUSING SLOW LOADING?!?
Running the above loop, will perform almost instantly without the line:
$data = preg_replace("/^\"(.*)\"$/","$1",preg_split("/,(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))/", trim($data)));
I've also tried creating a function as below (outside of loop):
function csv_string_to_array($str) {
return preg_replace("/^\"(.*)\"$/","$1",$results);
and calling the function instead of the one liner:
$data = csv_string_to_array($data);
With again no luck :(
Any help would be appreciated on this, I'm guessing the fgetcsv function is performing in a very similar way based on the delay it causes, looping through and creating an array from the line of data.
would be faster than THAT