I'm having difficulty in calling the hashes value in my puppet manifest, my code as below,
hiera .yaml file:
ensure: 'present'
home: '/home/app1'
password: '!!'
password_max_age: '99999'
password_min_age: '0'
ensure: 'present'
home: '/home/app2'
password: '!!'
password_max_age: '99999'
password_min_age: '0'
My puppet manifest:
class profile::sec::sec_model {
hiera_hash('users').each |String $user, Hash $user_hash| {
$user_hash.each |String $attr, String $value| {
user { "$user":
"${attr}" => "${value}"
My goal is to create user app1 and app2, if using normal manifest as below, i able to create it, as example below,
user { 'app1':
ensure => "present",
home => "/home/app1",
password => '!!',
password_max_age => '99999',
password_min_age => '0',
shell => '/bin/bash',
However, when using hiera, i received an error as below from the test puppet client server,
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Syntax error at '' (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/xxxxx/site/profile/manifests/xxx/sec_model.pp, line: 11, column: 13) on node xxxx.xxx.com
When I look into my manifest everything is good, but cannot identify which side of code for calling the hash value is wrong.