I would like to use the --delete capability of rsync to erase everyting on a destination directory.

What I am currently doing is:

rsync -zavr --delete ./input_dir_1/ user@host:dest_dir/
rsync -zavr ./input_dir_2/ user@host:dest_dir/
rsync -zavr ./input_dir_3/ user@host:dest_dir/

But in order to use rsync in a loop, is there a way to first select no input file (and use --delete to just delete everything)? Ideally I would like something like:

# Delete everything on destination dir
rsync -zavr --delete /dev/null user@host:dest_dir/

# Now iterate over all input directories (could use a for loop)
rsync -zavr ./input_dir_1/ user@host:dest_dir/
rsync -zavr ./input_dir_2/ user@host:dest_dir/
rsync -zavr ./input_dir_3/ user@host:dest_dir/

1 Answer 1

  1. rsync uses ssh. Why not delete directly? (Be careful not to delete the wrong directory!)
ssh user@host 'rm -rf dest_dir; mkdir dest_dir'
  1. You can use the exclude feature of rsync:
rsync -r --exclude='*' --delete-excluded / user@host:dest_dir/

Any folder will work for the source.

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