So, I'm trying to test using MemoryRouter that if I click a button that is supposed to take me to a new Route, it does actually open that route.

So 'ConversationView' is the react component inside Conversations. I- want to be able to test that when I click on the button that's located inside 'Conversations', I would be able to reach the new route 'ConversationsView' and find the 'h2' tag inside it.

This is my code:

const wrapper = mount(
   <MemoryRouter initialEntries={[ "/" ]}>
     <Conversations.wrappedComponent store={store}>

   const button = wrapper.find("button").first();

What am I doing wrong? How should I be testing such a scenario?

P.S. i'm injecting a MobX store to conversations. but i did mock the store, so there is no extra async work.

  • Does your click handler do asynchronous work? Mar 17, 2019 at 20:22
  • No, it's just supposed to render a different page.
    – Hadi Abu
    Mar 18, 2019 at 7:16

1 Answer 1


Try to change expact() result:


Or you can try to setProps to wrapper like this:

const wrapper = mount(
            // remove initialEntrie from here
                <Conversations >

        // set props (initialEntries) to the component 
        wrapper.setProps({ initialEntries: '/' })

        const button = wrapper.find("button").first();
  • No, this didn't really change anything.
    – Hadi Abu
    Mar 18, 2019 at 7:12

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