I am trying to locate a label by its tag so i can add an additional label beside when a certain condition is met.

in old school winform i would just use:

Label sublabel = Controls.Find(Sub.id, true).FirstOrDefault() as Label;

snippet of the view.xaml:

        Content = "{Binding Path = NodeName, Mode = OneWay}" 
        Background = "{Binding Path = NodeStatus, Mode = OneWay}"
        Tag="{Binding Path = Nodeid, Mode = OneWay}"

i have tried something along these lines:

var label = Grid.Children.OfType<Label>()
    .First(i => i.Tag == "tagid");

but generates

An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Panel.Children'

Thanks for looking


1 Answer 1


You could give the Grid an x:Name in your XAML markup:

<Grid x:Name="theGrid">

...and refer to it by this name in your code:

var label = theGrid.Children.OfType<Label>() ...

Note that this is not MVVM by any means though. Using MVVM, you would access the Nodeid source property rather than the Tag property of the Label element.


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