I'm trying to build up an array of times from a set of JSON data and was hoping to do it with jq without having to write code in another language to do the processing.

The Data

        "id": "abc",
        "time": 34
        "id": "def",
        "time": 25
        "id": "abc",
        "time": 45

I'd like to get the output in the format of

    "abc": [ 34, 45 ],
    "def": [ 25 ]

2 Answers 2


Here is one way to do it.

jq 'reduce .[] as $i ({}; .[$i.id] += ($i|[.time]))'

A functional (reduce-free) approach using only jq builtins:

| map( {(.[0]|.id): (map([.time]) | add)} )

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