I tried to take FirstName, middlename, Lastname used the Query Builder in combination with RAW but failed. is my way wrong? Thanks

$student = \DB::table('student')
                                          COALESCE(FirstName +  ''),
                                        COALESCE(MiddleName +  ''),
                                        COALESCE(Lastname, ''))))
                                        AS Name'))

  • COALESCE(FirstName + '') doesn't appear valid Mar 23, 2019 at 23:04
  • Is there a reason you're not using Eloquent models?
    – ceejayoz
    Mar 24, 2019 at 1:10

5 Answers 5

$student = DB::table('student')
        DB::raw("TRIM(CONCAT(FirstName,' ',MiddleName,' ',LastName)) AS Name")

TRIM Function - Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string See examples and how to use it

CONCAT Function - Add several strings together using comma: See examples and how to use it

Hope will help you :)


Why not using Laravel model way of achiving this?

class Student extends Model {

     protected $appends = 'full_name';

     public function getFullNameAttribute() {
         return $this->FirstName . ' ' . $this->MiddleName . ' ' . $this->LastName; 

Then, Student::get() will have full_name attribute for each student.

  • Well, you could use Eloquent for this, but they aren't. So I'm not sure it's really an answer to use an ORM over the query builder. Mar 23, 2019 at 23:12
  • @Devon It's a perfectly good answer barring an "I can't use Eloquent for <good reason>" from OP.
    – ceejayoz
    Mar 24, 2019 at 1:10

The + symbols should be a comma:

$student = \DB::table('student')
    ->selectRaw("TRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(FirstName,  ''), COALESCE(MiddleName,  ''), COALESCE(Lastname, ''))) AS Name")

Try this :

$student = \DB::table('student')
               ->select(\DB::raw('CONCAT_WS(" ", `FirstName`, `MiddleName`, `Lastname`) as Name'))

Try this :

$student = Student::select(\DB::raw('CONCAT_WS(" ", `FirstName`, `MiddleName`, `Lastname`) as Name'))

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