I'm struggling with the Prisma API, maybe I'm confusing a little, when I try to query by some field of the model which is a unique field, and using playground I got an error. Let me put in context.

type Organization {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    staff: [Employee!]!

type Query {
    organization(id: ID!): Organization!
    organizations: [Organization]!
    organizationByName(name: String!):Organization! //This is the one with the error

This is the prisma datamodel

type Organization {
    id: ID! @unique
    name: String! @unique
    staff: [Employee!]!

and this is the prisma schema generated (the part that are for interest)

input OrganizationWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID
  name: String

finally, the resolver:

function organizationByName(parent, {name}, context, info) {
  return context.prisma.organization({name: name});

When I hit the query:


I got the error:

Reason: 'name' Field 'name' is not defined in the input type 'OrganizationWhereUniqueInput'

but as you can see on the generated schema, there is a name field... so I'm confused, could please somebody point me to the right direction, I'm newbie to GraphQL

Note: Also if I wanna resolve using where clause, I got the kinda same error but something like where field is not defined in the input type

Thanks in advance

  • It looks like you are using nombre: "Bitas" instead of name: "Bitas"
    – Errorname
    Mar 28, 2019 at 15:58
  • You are running a query against the Prisma endpoint, and not against the endpoint that uses the schema you defined.
    – marktani
    Apr 1, 2019 at 13:52


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