Here's the context of what I'm trying to do. I would like have a Drone step to run database migrations against a Google Cloud SQL Postgres instance. I need to use Cloud SQL Proxy in order to access the database. Cloud SQL Proxy requires you provide a credential file to the proxy.

The problem I'm having is that when I try to echo or printf the environment variable to a file (as suggested here) the JSON comes out malformed.

Note: I've tried adding the JSON via Drone GUI and Drone CLI.

1 Answer 1


The best solution I found to this problem is to simply base64 encode the JSON before putting it into Drone.

Decode the base64 when you need it in your step.

Example commands:

Encode: base64 data.txt > data.b64

Decode: echo $CREDS_B64 | base64 --decode > sql-deploy-creds.json

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