I am using ionic to create a form with radio buttons in it. I am trying to check a radio button by default, but nothing is working. I tried several options, including:

checked ={{selected}} (With selected=true in ts)

checked= 'true'


[checked]= 'true'

Tried adding value directly while initializing the form, still it does not work

Nothing works. Does anyone have any suggestion?

<form [formGroup]="FormName" (ngSubmit)=sendData()>
          <ion-radio-group [formControlName]="'products'">

              <ion-radio slot="start" value={{value1}} checked></ion-radio>

              <ion-radio slot="start" value={{value2}}'></ion-radio>



 this.FormName = new FormGroup({
      products: new FormControl()

1 Answer 1


Here's a little example how to stablish a default value on a radio-group.

Let's say this is your template file:

 <form (submit)="doSubmit($event)" [formGroup]="langForm">
    <ion-list radio-group formControlName="langs">


        <ion-radio value="golang" checked="true"></ion-radio>
        <ion-radio value="rust"></ion-radio>
        <ion-radio value="python"></ion-radio>

On your page component you will need to do as follow:

  templateUrl: 'page-template.html'
export class BasicPage {

  constructor() {
    this.langForm = new FormGroup({
      "langs": new FormControl({value: 'rust', disabled: false})

Remember that you need to mark a radio as checked and also put the value of that given element as the radio-group value. In this example, the ion-radio with the element rust is mark as checked, and the value given to the ion-radio-group is rust


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