Is it possible to have a clearnet website tunnel through a tor hidden service? Example if someone owned blah.com and it pointed to server IP, but wanted to make proxy requests to a hidden service.

The point would be to have a clearnet "looking" website while having the contents of the website itself on a hidden server, basically what proxy_pass would do except it needs to be connecting to localhost.

Any ideas how this would/could be done?

  • Have you made any attempts at this yourself? Normally questions this broad will get taken down, however your question seems like a good exception to the rule. +1 Apr 3, 2019 at 13:12
  • 1
    One thing I had attempted was using tor2web, by having blah.com proxy_pass to tor2web proxy, but this brought problems with certificates and also is a security issue using tor2web itself. I think nginx would have to be modified to allow proxy_pass to go through a proxy first for this to work
    – vingracy
    Apr 4, 2019 at 5:00

3 Answers 3


Oops, I'm a bit late to the party. I wanted to do the exact same thing a few days ago and couldn't find a workable solution to the problem. Hence, after days of research and some development, I came up with tor-nginx-proxy - a docker image which helps us achieve this.

Read more about it - https://harshitbudhraja.com/port-a-website-to-the-dark-web-in-under-2-minutes


yes. it's possible. proxy_pass nginx to socat that proxy to tor

/usr/bin/socat tcp4-LISTEN:$PORT,reuseaddr,fork,keepalive,bind=$IP SOCKS4A:$URL_ONION:$PORT_ONION,socksport=9050

replace $PORT , $IP, $URL_ONION and $PORT_ONION with your data


I wasn't having too much luck with socat/privoxy so I wrote this simple docker image. Instructions are in the readme file.

  • It isn't recommended to reply with answers pointing to links containing the solution.
    – tur11ng
    Oct 21, 2022 at 12:12

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