In the Swift book, the example for enums works fine
enum CompassPoint: String {
case north, south, east, west
var northCom = CompassPoint.north
print (northCom)
However I want to use a failable initializer so made an example of this
enum WeekDay: String {
case monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday
init?(rawValue: Int){
switch rawValue {
case 0 : self = .monday
case 1 : self = .tuesday
case 2 : self = .wednesday
case 3 : self = .thursday
case 4 : self = .friday
default : return nil
And get an error that Weekday does not conform to RawRepresentable - although I feel that conformance should be synthesized by the compiler so do not understand why this does not compile.
What I've done Created a similar working example (to see what the issue is), and still I want to conform to RawRepresentable using an enum with a failable initializer. I cannot find an example of this in the Swift book, in Stack Overflow questions or on the wider internet.
What I've provided Given a full example above, with the error as well as a working example of the behaviour I'm expecting.
What is not helpful Referencing the Swift book through a link or a comment is not helpful, as I've taken an example from there. I want to build on that example with a failable initializer. It is also not helpful to NOT use a enum, or a failable initializer. The question is about using a failable initalizer with a enum, and conforming to RawRepresentable. This is not homework, but those are the constraints of the question for my own learning and I'm interested in the outcome.
The question How can I use a failable initializer, with an enum as in the non-working example?