I tried to run anova for my data, but am stuck on this error. I'm a newbie in R. Please anyone can help me? Thank you in advance.


read_risk_data <- fread("Risk_v2.csv", select = c(1:7))

read_risk_data[-c(1), ]
risk <- read_risk_data[-c(1), ]

risk.1 <- risk[1:64, ]


risk_vp <- c(rep('No.mitigation', 64), rep('Refrigeration', 64), rep('Depuration', 64), rep('Freezing', 64), rep('Thermal.treatment', 64), rep('Thermal.shock', 64), rep('Irradiation', 64))
risk_vp_level <- c(risk.1$No.mitigation, risk.1$Refrigeration, risk.1$Depuration, risk.1$Freezing, risk.1$Thermal.treatment,                      risk.1$Thermal.shock, risk.1$Irradiation)

risk_vp.1 <- t(risk_vp)
risk_vp.2 <- t(risk_vp.1)
risk_vp_level.1 <- t(risk_vp_level)
risk_vp_level.2 <- t(risk_vp_level.1)
df <- data.frame(risk_vp.2, risk_vp_level.2)

Here is the structure

Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame':  64 obs. of  7 variables:
$ No mitigation    : num  2.18e-05 4.47e-05 9.43e-05 6.16e-05 2.60e-05 5.29e- 
05 1.10e-04 7.25e-05 2.80e-05 5.67e-05 ...
$ Refrigeration    : num  7.80e-06 1.10e-05 1.64e-05 1.30e-05 8.52e-06 1.20e- 
05 1.79e-05 1.42e-05 8.83e-06 1.24e-05 ...
$ Depuration       : num  7.11e-06 1.58e-05 3.67e-05 2.25e-05 8.57e-06 1.91e- 
05 4.41e-05 2.72e-05 9.28e-06 2.07e-05 ...
$ Freezing         : num  8.11e-06 1.79e-05 4.16e-05 2.55e-05 9.77e-06 2.17e- 
05 5.00e-05 3.08e-05 1.06e-05 2.35e-05 ...
$ Thermal treatment: num  3.44e-09 7.64e-09 2.00e-08 1.11e-08 4.11e-09 9.42e- 
09 2.55e-08 1.40e-08 4.42e-09 1.03e-08 ...
$ Thermal shock    : num  9.09e-10 2.00e-09 5.07e-09 2.89e-09 1.09e-09 2.46e- 
09 6.40e-09 3.60e-09 1.17e-09 2.67e-09 ...
$ Irradiation      : num  3.60e-10 8.25e-10 2.21e-09 1.22e-09 4.32e-10 1.03e- 
09 2.82e-09 1.54e-09 4.67e-10 1.13e-09 ...
- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 

And, when I run this code:

df <- data.frame(risk_vp.2, risk_vp_level.2)

It gave me:

Error in data.frame(risk_vp.2, risk_vp_level.2) : 
arguments imply differing number of rows: 448, 256
  • The error says it all: you cannot define a data.frame with one column a different length than another. A frame's rows represent "observations", where each column is some attribute of this observation. In mtcars, each row is a car, and all cars have the same attributes: mpg, cyl, disp, etc. If a car has an attribute that the others do not ... then that attribute does not belong in a frame. @gpier's answer hits what I was about to say: your creation of risk_vp is likely not what you need it to be.
    – r2evans
    Apr 3, 2019 at 15:11

1 Answer 1


This simply means that risk_vp.2 and risk_vp_level.2 have different numbers of rows. Try to run nrow(risk_vp.2) and nrow(risk_vp_level.2) or dim(risk_vp_level.2) after each operation to understand where the error is. Also note that

c(rep('No.mitigation', 64), rep('Refrigeration', 64), rep('Depuration', 64), rep('Freezing', 64), rep('Thermal.treatment', 64), rep('Thermal.shock', 64), rep('Irradiation', 64))

Will create one vector of 7*64 elements - if you wanted to create a data.frame of 7 columns and 64 rows instead you should use cbind instead of c(). Finally, it is hard for us to help you if you don't give us some data that we can use on our side. Please provide minimal reproducible examples in the future - that do not depend on any external file.

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