I'm getting unexpected results when executing two PowerShell commands separated by a semicolon. The output of the second command changes. If I run them in reverse order, I don't see the second command output.

Here I'm simply trying to get a time stamp and a list of groups a user belongs to in AD, as a one-liner.

If I run this line, i get the following output:

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | Select-Object name

Domain Users

However if I run the following, this behavior changes:

get-date; Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | Select-Object name

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 2:31:35 PM

name : Domain Users

name : CL-Inventory-Group


Stranger yet, If i run the in reverse, meaning i say get-date after the first command, the date stamp never shows up after the groups are listed.

Am I improperly separating commands?

  • 2
    I think this has something to do with PowerShell's auto formatting of output in the console because if you change this to $a = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | Select-Object name; $b = get-date, both variables will have the proper data. It could be because get-date outputs in a non-table format while the other command outputs in table format. If you piped both to Format-Table or Format-List you can see both. Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 18:44

2 Answers 2



Submitting multiple ;-separated commands at the prompt (interactively) still sends their output to a single pipeline (you can think of each command line submitted as an implicit script file).

In short: in your case, the first command output's automatic display formatting also determined the display formatting for the 2nd command, so which command comes first matters:

  • get-date; Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | Select-Object name

    • locked in implicit use of Format-List for all output following Get-Date, which explains the each-property-on-its-own line output from the Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership ... command.
  • If i run the reverse, meaning i say get-date after the first command, the date stamp never shows up after the groups are listed.

    • Select-Object output instances of type [pscustomobject], which, due to their having just 1 property in this case, locked in tabular display, i.e., implicit use of Format-Table, with the selected property as the only column, i.e., just Name here. Since the [datetime] type output by Get-Date doesn't have a Name property, Get-Date's output was effectively invisible.

Read on for background information and the complete rules.

PowerShell's default display formatting is optimized for objects of the same type, as that is the typical case.

If a pipeline contains a mix of types, the specific formatting that results by default depends on:

  • the order of objects in the pipeline
  • and their default formatting behavior

See the next section for details.

You can use explicit Format-* calls to control the formatting; in your case, you can use Format-Table on your 2nd command to force tabular output:

Get-Date; Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | Select name | Format-Table

Caveat: The output from Format-* cmdlets are formatting instructions rather than the original data, which makes this output unsuitable for further programmatic processing.

How PowerShell formats objects of different types in the same pipeline for display:

In the absence of explicit formatting commands (Format-Table, Format-List, ...), PowerShell automatically chooses a suitable display format, based on a given object's type:

  • If present for a given type, PowerShell uses predefined formatting instructions (see Get-Help about_Format.ps1xml)
  • In their absence:
    • If the type is a primitive type (see below): the object's .ToString() representation is output.
    • Otherwise: the format style is chosen based on the following simple rules: 4 or fewer properties? -> Format-Table; 5 or more? -> Format-List.

Note: Primitive is used loosely here to refer to:

  • all primitive CLR types - those for which .IsPrimitive returns $true, namely
    [Boolean], [Byte], [SByte], [Int16], [UInt16], [Int32], [UInt32], [Int64], [UInt64], [IntPtr], [UIntPtr], [Char], [Double], [Single]
  • types [decimal], [bigint], and [securestring]
  • [string] (strings always print as themselves, in full)
  • any other property-less types.

If all objects in a pipeline are of the same type, the above by definition applies to all of them.

By contrast, if there is a mix of types in the pipeline, the following logic applies:

  • Any instances of primitive types always print and always print the same, namely as a representation of the single value that they are (not an as an object with properties), obtained via a call to their .ToString() method; e.g., 12 or 3.0 or hi; primitive types have no bearing on the formatting of subsequent objects in the pipeline.

  • The first non-primitive object in the pipeline:

    • is itself printed based on either its predefined formatting instructions or the default rules stated above (based on the number of properties).

    • locks in the format style - list vs. table - for all remaining non-primitive objects:

      • If the object itself implicitly uses Format-Table or Format-List, so will all remaining non-primitive objects.
      • If the object implicitly uses Format-Custom (e.g, in the case of Get-Date, via predefined formatting), it is Format-List that is locked in.
  • All subsequent non-primitive objects then use the locked-in format style.

    • Caveat: If Format-Table is locked in, the first non-primitive object alone determines the set of properties displayed as table columns:

      • If the first non-primitive object has no formatting data associated with it - which notably applies to [pscustomobject] - it
        can cause subsequent non-primitive objects to seemingly disappear if they don't have these properties - such objects are still in the output stream, however, they're just not displayed - see this answer for a demonstration.

      • If the first non-primitive object has formatting data associated with it (as reported by Get-FormatData), all subsequent non-primitive objects of a different type are formatted with Format-List. That is, you'll get a mix of tabular and list-style output.

      • On a side note: Since PSv5, implicit use of Format-Table results in asynchronous behavior that may be surprising; see this answer.

    • If it is Format-List that is locked in, no information is "lost", as each object's properties are then listed individually, on their own lines.


When the powershell console formatter sees objects of multiple types, it will default to outputting based on the first element output. For Date it output as a list, for the custom object output from Select-Object, it's a table. How the output is formatted depends on the type of the object itself (see help About Format.ps1xml). You can force the output of Select-Object to be a table using Format-Table:

get-date; Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | Select-Object name | Format-Table
  • Any idea why running the commands in the reverse order (get-date last) does not show the date? Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 20:42
  • 2
    @PawełCzopowik I'm not sure, I think it's because the formatter has already decided that it's seeing a bunch of PSCustomObjects, so it displays as table, then it gets an object with no name attribute, so it doesn't display it.
    – zdan
    Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 20:48
  • zdan that's an interesting theory i may need to test :) Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 20:54
  • 1
    It's not the first object per se, it's the first non-primitive object that locks in the formatting for the remaining non-primitive objects. Get-Date actually implicitly uses Format-Custom, which locks in (implicit) Format-List use for the remaining non-primitive objects.
    – mklement0
    Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 21:47
  • 1
    @PawełCzopowik: zdan's guess is correct: Select-Object outputs instances of type [pscustomobject], which, due to having 4 or fewer properties in this case, locks in tabular display, with the specific properties chosen, i.e., Name. Since the [datetime] type output by Get-Date doesn't have a Name property, Get-Date's output is effectively invisible.
    – mklement0
    Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 23:03

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