I'working in a Django app that does something similar, but while I get it done, I will comment about the use case you've presented here:
I need to be sure that doing one thing one place won't affect something on the other side of the project ...
You surely could write tests with some dummy signal handlers in order to know if the execution of certain code, triggers unwanted behavior, for instance:
# I use pytest, put this example is suitable also for
# django's TestCase and others
class TestSome:
# For Django TestCase this would be setUp
def setup_method(self, test_method):
self.singals_info = []
def dummy_handler(*args, **kwargs):
# collect_info is a function you must implement, it would
# gather info about signal, sender, instance, etc ... and
# save that info in (for example) self.signals_info.
# You can then use that info for test assertions.
self.collect_info(*args, **kwargs)
# connect your handler to every signal you want to control
def test_foo():
# Your normal test here ...
some_value = some_tested_function()
# Check your signals behave
assert self.signals_behave(self.signals_info)
Why this is better than having a script that show's the events chain?
Well, as you say, when the need for things like this emerges, is because the size of the project is very big, and if you use a tool like you are asking for, you can end with a result like this:
Save A -> Creates B -> Creates C
Save B -> Creates D
Save B -> Creates C
# Imagine here 3 or 4 more lines.
You will end up solving a puzzle every time you want to add some code, that saves/modify something.
However ...
It would be better, to write your code, and then, some test fails (resolving the puzzle for you) and showing to you exactly where will your code miss-behave.
Implements those tests and your life will be easier.
Best scenario using tests: Write your code, and if no test fail, you're ready to tackle your next programming task.
Worst scenario using tests: Write your code, some test fail, as you know where exactly your code broke, just fix it.
Best scenario using the tool: Analyze the tool output, write your code, everything is ok.
Worst scenario using the tool: Analyze the tool output, write your code, something fails, repeat until all ok.
So, a tool like that would be helpful? Of course, but is not the right tool to ensure things are well, use tests for that.