Is there any module that accepts more than one dataset for processing? For instance "Split Data" , "Edit meta data" and "select columns in dataset" do not accept more than one dataset as input.

This is what I did : There are several numeric and categorical variables in my model.I used "Convert to indicator variables " module to create dummy variables for my data. How do I include the indicator variables and numeric variables into one dataset so that I can split the data for my model ?

As of now, I'm doing data wrangling in Python and moving the datasets in Azure MLS for modeling. Ideally, I need to work on data wrangling in Azure MLS.

I expect to have one module that consolidates both the categorical binned variables and numeric variables in Azure MLS

2 Answers 2


Yup, there are several modules receiving multiple datasets - Add Columns, Apply SQL Transformation, Execute Python Script, to name a few.

Not sure why you need them for indicator values though - assuming you're talking about Train/Test Split, then I would just split the data after invoking the "Convert to indicator values" module.

  • I found the answer. I missed the overwrite categorical columns option in "Convert to indicator values".
    – Sandy
    Apr 15, 2019 at 14:57

I will add to the above answer. You can use Execute R script, Join data as well if the datasets have common keys.

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