Is it possible to change the default behavior in VSCode so that when I'm in the Source control window and I click on a file in the left pane, the file opens in the right pane instead of the changes window? I see that if I right click a file I can choose to open it instead of the changes window but I'm lazy and just want to click once.

1 Answer 1


There is an icon which will let you open file itself without needing to right click: enter image description here

It is also possible to change default behavior when left-clicking on the file name since version 1.30:

To change it, set in your settings.json:

"git.openDiffOnClick": false

If you set it, the logic will inverse. Now, clicking on a file name will open the file, and clicking on the "inline icon" will open the diff.

It is also possible to disable this inline icon completely with:

"git.showInlineOpenFileAction": false
  • 4
    Is it possible to Open FIle from source control like Ctrl-clicking on it or so while still openning Diff on simple click? Or maybe set a shortcut for it like Ctrl+Shift+G + Ctrl+O?
    – kolyaseg
    Commented Jul 4, 2023 at 12:59
  • 1
    @kolyaseg would be indeed best option
    – abernier
    Commented Oct 29, 2023 at 7:47
  • 1
    @kolyaseg It's possible to create a key binding to open the file from the diff. To add the shortcut, go to Cog > Keyboard Shortcuts and filter on git.openFile. Alternatively, you can manually add something like this to keybindings.json: [ { "key": "alt+z", "command": "git.openFile" } ]. The other way around (from regular view to diff view) is also possible using git.openChange.
    – qadzek
    Commented Mar 6 at 10:18

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