I was running code from a month ago with the tidyr package's spread() function, and it now throws the error below. Does the code need to be changed, or the package updated?

Error in get("as_data_frame.matrix", asNamespace("tibble"), mode = "function") :
object 'as_data_frame.matrix' of mode 'function' was not found

I've tried checking that the dataframe is formatted correctly, spelling out the inputs, and with an oversimplified example. Still gives me the same error.

#make a new dataframe

#confirm it is a dataframe

#try out spread() function

outputs this error instead of a re-arranged table

Error in get("as_data_frame.matrix", asNamespace("tibble"), mode = "function") :
object 'as_data_frame.matrix' of mode 'function' was not found

Is anyone else seeing this happen? How did you solve it?

1 Answer 1


Okay, that was trivial. Updated the tidyr package through the R Studio dialog and it works again. Sorry.

> test2<-spread(data=test1,key=y,value=z)
> test2
  x EU USA
1 A  2   1
2 B  4   3
  • Hi Zuzana, do you remember which versions of tidyr you had before and after ? I'm running into the exact same issue, yet updating tidyr doesnt seem to resove it.
    – MrFronk
    Dec 31, 2019 at 10:31
  • running 0.6.0 at the moment
    – MrFronk
    Dec 31, 2019 at 10:49

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