I have an existing Maven based application on Heroku that I want to replace with a JHipster generated, Gradle based one. The steps I took were:

  1. Develop the new Gradle based application using JHipster
  2. run jhipster heroku
  3. git merge heroku --strategy ours
  4. git push heroku

Most of the deployment succeeds (Node.js app detected, webpack logging), but then I get an error:

Could not find a pom.xml file! Please check that it exists and is committed to Git.

It is correct that there is no pom.xml, because now it is a Gradle application. But apparently, Heroku still expects a Maven based one. Where is this knowledge stored and how can I reset it?

1 Answer 1


Already found out. You have to run this command, to remove the Maven build pack:

heroku buildpacks:clear

Additionally, in my case I also had to set:

heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs

Or Heroku didn't know whether to run as Gradle or NodeJS. The latter is needed for JHipster based applications.

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