I'm studying GULP, and I want the page to update automatically when I modify the CSS.

const gulp = require("gulp");
const jshint = require("gulp-jshint");
const changed = require("gulp-changed");
const watch = require("gulp-watch");
const rename = require("gulp-rename");
const minifyCSS = require("gulp-uglifycss");
const sass = require("gulp-sass");
const cssImport = require("gulp-cssimport");

gulp.task("changed", function() {
  return gulp
    .pipe(rename({ extname: ".min.css" }))

gulp.task("jshint", function() {

gulp.task("watch", function() {
  watch("src/css/*.css", ["changed"]);

gulp.task("default", ["jshint", "watch"]);

I'm trying to use "gulp-watch", but it's giving the error "Task function must be specified" in this code above.

  • The name of the task is "watch" so try using this, instead of "gulp-watch". Apr 19, 2019 at 5:52
  • but I already use the task 'watch', look at my default task Apr 19, 2019 at 14:59
  • Whenever you have a task named "default", you don't even need to use the name. You simply run the default task with "gulp" . Regarding the task "watch", @slotomo is right. You simply run "gulp watch" and not "gulp-watch". Apr 21, 2019 at 10:16

1 Answer 1


The problem was that I was trying to watch the old version of GULP, not version 4.0.0.

So I changed my code to work, and it looked like this:

const gulp = require("gulp");
const rename = require("gulp-rename");
const minifyJS = require("gulp-uglify");
const minifyCSS = require("gulp-uglifycss");
const sass = require("gulp-sass");
const babel = require("gulp-babel");
const cssImport = require("gulp-cssimport");

  gulp.series(function() {
    return gulp.src("src/templates/*.html").pipe(gulp.dest("public/"));

  gulp.series(function() {
    return gulp
      .pipe(babel({ presets: ["@babel/env"] }))
      .pipe(rename({ extname: ".min.js" }))

  gulp.series(function() {
    return gulp
      .pipe(rename({ extname: ".min.css" }))

  gulp.series(function() {
    gulp.watch("src/templates/*.html", gulp.parallel(["base"]));
    gulp.watch("src/js/*.js", gulp.parallel(["javascript"]));
    gulp.watch("src/css/*.css", gulp.parallel(["css"]));

  gulp.series(gulp.parallel("base", "javascript", "css", "watch"))

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