I am trying to query a google sheet by date. I have done some research and learned I need to convert to TEXT format so that I can run the comparison, but I am not able to get the syntax correctly:

=query('SheetName'!$A2:$S, "select A Where O=date'"&TEXT(B2,"yyyy-mm-dd")&)

Could you give me some guidance?

Some more info: in my query, B2 is a valid date in date format. Column O has some cells that are text strings and others that are valid dates; I have set the format of the entire column to "Date".

Here is a link to a simple example, feel free to play around with the query: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O4ms9ufvZ_CRLl_LG45hksjRoOJtv0XexbfjCLqFW4I/edit?usp=sharing

2 Answers 2


See if this works?

=filter('SheetName'!A3:A, 'SheetName'!O3:O=B2)

correct syntax should be:

 "select Col16 where Col15 = '"&TO_TEXT(DATEVALUE(B2))&"'"))


  • thank you. the query is OK now (no error), but it only returns column headers, not content. I am sure it should be returning a bunch of records. Apr 24, 2019 at 2:50
  • are those records valid numbers only? if so then try: =ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY(TO_TEXT('SheetName'!$A2:$S), "select Col1 where Col15 = date '"&TEXT(B2, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'", 0))
    – player0
    Apr 24, 2019 at 2:54
  • or perhaps: =ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({TO_TEXT('SheetName'!$A2:$A),'SheetName'!$B2:$S}, "select Col1 where Col15 = date '"&TEXT(B2, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'", 0))
    – player0
    Apr 24, 2019 at 2:57
  • Thanks, but no luck with those. Some more info: in my query, B2 is a valid date in date format. Column O has some cells that are text strings and others that are valid dates. I have set the format of the entire column to "date". Apr 24, 2019 at 3:03
  • I added a URL with a small sample that allows you to play around with it. Apr 24, 2019 at 3:15

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