I'm trying to integrate Braintree into my website to accept payments and I have a couple of questions regarding the multi-currency support.
First let me say that I have created an account that accepts EUR, since I live in the EU.

Now, let's say that an american guy wants to buy something on my webapp. He obviously has a credit card tied to a USD bank account. Reading the doc I found that in Braintree I cannot specify the currency, hence my amount, in this case 10, is 10 EUR

        amount: 10,
        paymentMethodNonce: nonceFromTheClient,
        options: {
            submitForSettlement: true

Which means that on my website I'll have to display

Would you like to buy this item for 11.16 USD?

where 11.16 is the current conversion rate (at the time of writing).

Is this the right way to do this?? I am skeptical for 2 reasons:

  • Say I use an online real-time converter >> if the user refreshes the page he may find a different amount (BAD UX)
  • Say I set a fixed conversion rate, e.g. 1 EUR == 1.1 USD >> the user will find a different amount charged on his card wrt to the one displayed in the website. This is because I actually charge 10 EUR not 11 USD as advertise (BAD UX)

Can you please help me understand the correct way to handle this??

Every time I bought something from a foreign website I got the conversion displayed in EUR and I've been charged with the exact amount, but here on Braintree I don't understand how to do it.

Thanks in advance

1 Answer 1


Full disclosure, I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, I recommend reaching out to our awesome Support Team.

You specify the currency of a transaction by passing the merchantAccountId. This prevents you from having to do a ton of conversion for every transaction.

Here's a modified version of the example from Braintree's developer docs:

  amount: "10.00",
  merchantAccountId: "your_merchant_account",
  paymentMethodNonce: nonce_from_the_client,
  options: {
    submitForSettlement: true

If you haven't already and you have a production account, you should reach out to Braintree's team to request the currencies you need to process. If you're just testing in sandbox, you can create test merchant accounts by following these steps.

  • David, does Braintree allow EUR settlement (not just presentment) for a Singapore business? Commented Feb 18, 2022 at 12:14

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